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Student Support & Services


A rich and stimulating academic life

Our team of staff, teachers and professionals are highly committed and dynamic.

They all work towards providing quality support and guidance to make learning easier for each student. Here, our professors try to go beyond the programs suggested by the MEES.

Student support

  • Many professors are responsible for monitoring a class, or a certain number of students, to facilitate their integration and ensure their success.
  • Periods of differentiated education are planned within the schedule in order to give an opportunity for students to meet with their professors and receive the help needed.
  • Homework assistance (specific or general) is provided during certain lunch hours and at the end of the day.
  • A Peer Help Centre encourages the involvement of level 4 and 5 students to help their peers of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.
  • Our students can also be assisted by our specialists, if necessary :

Our Resource Teachers

  • Preschool to grade 4 : Ms Lyne Sabourin
  • Grades 5 and 6 : Ms Marilou Blaquière

Our Psycho-Educator

  • Ms Caroline Bernier-Riopel

Our Special Education Technician

  • Ms Amélie Cadieux

Students and their success are our main focus.

Guidance projects and programs

We offer complete academic support and guidance:

  • Differentiated education periods are offered to every student (strong and weaker);
  • Supervised study periods at the end of the day;
  • Enhancement projects in French, with a particular focus on literature;
  • Enhancement projects in Arts, with workshops on visual arts, music and dance;
  • Professional remedial education and psychoeducation services;
  • iPad labs;
  • Educational field trips;
  • Articulation between the 6th year of Elementary school and Secondary 1;
  • Pastoral activities.

Collège Bourget against bullying

Let’s be clear, at Collège Bourget, we do not want bullies!

More information is available on a web site designed for Elementary level students and parents.